Email is still a universal internet tool.
An online graphical process design tool with API support for many popular online tools (WordPress, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) The graphical interface will allow you to specify how to process an email (parsing, filtering, etc.) and what actions to trigger on the external tools and platforms.
Engage to the subscriber, make them like getting your emails, and maybe achieve a higher conversion rate.
Create an automated email sequence, where the next email is sent immediately (or with only a short delay.) The sequence is activated by the open and/or click actions of the subscriber. This can be a game with a prize, a quiz, or anything that can be broken down into simple individual steps that the participant would want to go through.
Instead of using a net and going after the leaves and similar things that get in the pool.
A mechanical system that spreads a fine mesh on the bottom of the pool. Starting on one side this net stretches on the bottom of the pool, as close to the floor as possible, and stirs up the debris that is there. When the net reaches the other side, after a short waiting period, it is pulled back at a slightly higher elevation, the furthest end being pulled in first, trapping the debris on the way back and pulling it into a disposal container built into the system, behind the wall where it’s installed.
You work on multiple projects (for multiple clients) on multiple browser tabs at the same time.
Time tracking app that lets you assign each browser window to a particular project. This way when you are multitasking (because you are waiting for something to complete on one browser while doing something in another), the app will automatically track all your work time on all projects simultaneously.
Make use of your internal communications to generate content ideas.
Have a bot monitor your internal communications on Slack and similar systems, or even email. When the bot discovers something that seems to be important it will search the internet for information on it, how popular is the subject already, is there other favorite content on the topic and much more. Using all the internal and external information, it will give a detailed suggestion on what content should be created and also all the background researched for it.