Tag Archives forBook

Book Gifters Anonymous


You read a book. You think “my friend should read this book”.


You let us know what book you want to buy and to whom to send it to. You pay for the book. The friend who gets it doesn’t know that you sent it. He reads the book. If he likes it he might want to know who you are, so he pays for the book, and we tell him it was you who sent it. When he pays, you get credit for the full amount you paid for your next gifting pleasure. Or if you want to stay anonymous even after he pays he can send you in return a book you might like.

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August 31, 2016

How to Have Your Own Book Club


Allow you to share with others books you have read and found to be good.


A site, app and email list you can use to build their own book club. You can write your book recommendations and people can follow you. It’s the reverse of the model that puts the book in the center and gather reviews around it. Here you the reviewer are the center.

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August 30, 2016

Why Are They the Best – Get Their Best Advice So You Can Be Too


There is a lot of information available. How can you find the pearls of wisdom in the huge stack of hay?


Get famous, rich, successful people to give their practical advice on many different subjects. Ask them to tell what they did that made them a success, in each area they think they have an advice to give or a story to tell that others can find useful. Then publish a series of books, one on each subject matter, and each one containing the practical advice of many of these successful people.

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August 29, 2016

Book Summary Center


People can share their good (or bad) book summaries so others can skip reading the whole book and get the gist of it (if the summary is comprehensive enough.) Readers can also get a better insight and help them decide whether to read the whole book.


Have a site where people can submit their summaries for new books or even books that already have other summaries. Use a rating system to give priority to users who’s summaries are better.

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August 28, 2016