Tag Archives forBoost

Preemptive Motivational Reminder by Your Favorite Motivational Guru


During your day you might encounter a situation when you need a bit of encouragement or reminder.


Software that runs in the background of your computer, tablet, and smartphone, and monitors your behavior. When it detects certain signs it will determine by those and by past experiences what would be the best message for you to hear at that time. You will then hear (and also possibly see a video clip of) your favorite motivational speaker delivering that message to you. You can then give feedback if it hit the spot or not so that the software can learn to be more accurate.

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November 26, 2016

Get an Instant Boost When You Want to Quit


If you are doing something hard (but good for you, like finishing the run, writing a chapter for your book, studying for tomorrow’s exam, etc.) there comes a moment when you want to quit.


An app that has only one function: when you feel you are about to quit, press the button, and you will hear a version of the following: “a bit later, I’ll stop in a little while.” Putting off something into an undefined but near future usually means you’ll never do it. It’s like harnessing procrastination to your benefit – helping you not stop doing what you need to do.

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October 3, 2016