Tag Archives forBuild

Personal Brand Agency


You want to build a personal brand and don’t have the knowledge or time to do it yourself.


An agency that specializes in personal brand building. They work with you on everything from the conception of the character, story, strategy and tactics, and then execute continuously to build the brand.

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January 21, 2017

Videos for Assembling Flat Packed Furniture From Major Retailers


Even though you always get a sheet with instructions, a video would be even better.


Have a website where either the manufacturers or anyone else (maybe a local guy vying for this kind of work) shows you in videos how to build the different types of furniture from major retailers.

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September 21, 2016

How to Make Sure You Have Only Customers on Your Communication List


The best list to have is of paying customers. This will make sure you have only customers on your main list.


  1. Find popular keywords people are looking for to solve a problem – either in your area of interest or an area you would like to enter.
  2. Research the subject thoroughly.
  3. Write a one page paper on the subject giving all the main points – anyone who reads this should save hours or days of work and still get all the good stuff.
  4. Sell to the same audience using these keywords online – for a low price.
    Some of these steps (or all of them) can be outsourced.
    The first one is the key – you have to start with what they are looking for (a solution for a problem) and give them an irresistible deal: the easy, short and very cheap way to know all they need about their problem. This is not necessarily the actual solution to their problem, but it’s the map to find the right one for them.

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September 10, 2016