Tag Archives forButton

Immediate Upsell for Add to Cart and Buy Buttons


Try a new way to get an upsell and delight customers while doing it.


Use an animated opening of a new overlayed window that “opens” from the button itself with the upsell offer.

Icons made by Freepik


January 4, 2017

Help Them Get in Touch


Many people are reluctant to call you even if they need some help.


Have a floating, and always visible button that simply says “Call Me!” When they need some help, they click it, fill in their phone number and get a callback within minutes.

Icons made by Freepik


December 28, 2016

Reminder Button to Help You Not Forget in the Real World


It would be helpful if I could remember to do something that is connected to a specific place in the real world.


Have a small button you can place anywhere (magnetic, adhesive back etc.). You record a message on it like “throughout old stuff”, and place it where you need to do what you need to do. When you come close to it it will play back what you recorded.

Icons made by Freepik


September 8, 2016

Easy Net Promoter Score for Any Site


NPS is important to measure but not easy to implement.


Add one line of code to you website (or a plugin for a CMS like WordPress) and get all the functionality. You can set multiple types of triggers (exit intent, timed, click a certain link etc.) to activate the button. Visitors can also just click the button. Set up is easy and you just have to click a few options to make it work on a domain and/or URL level.

Icons made by Freepik


September 3, 2016