Tag Archives forCommunication

Time Your Communication Based on Your Subscriber’s Consumption


You might already use auto email sequences to communicate with your subscriber. The way it’s being done is preprogrammed. You send the emails at a certain pace, regardless of when and if at all they read them. That is not optimal.


At the end of each email have a call to action asking them to help you with just one click, something like: “Did you find this email message useful or enjoyable? Help me by simply clicking YES or NO.” The click will tell you two things: 1. They finished reading it. 2. If they liked it. You can use both to dynamically trigger the next email and also decide which email to trigger based on their reply.

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October 22, 2016

Hybrid Personalization System to Maximize Client Relationship


The more personalized your communication is, the better relationship you will have with your clients, and the more money you will make.


As algorithms become smarter at personalization (using new AI), it becomes much easier to let an expert person make the small tweaks for each customer. The software will show you in an easily understandable way, what it “thinks” about each client and why. You can then add your insights and tweaks so that the system can do its personalization even better. Then the system will learn more about the client, and you’ll tweak it again, for each client. The better the system gets the faster and easier it will be to tweak each iteration. The faster you can tweak, the larger the client base that can be treated like this will be.

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October 1, 2016

Intelligent Message Completion


You have patterns you repeat when answering emails and otherwise messaging. These are similar to other peoples but have your style of expression. Today you can already automate these on many devices by using snippets and a shortcut. The only problem is that they are always exact copies, so answering the same person twice will reveal this fact.


A smart snippet software that, while you are typing, analyzes your words and suggests an auto-completion of the whole sentence and not just one word. It will do so with a slightly different variation based on how you started your sentence and your writing style. As you continue writing what it suggests changes until at some point, you choose to use it and complete the sentence or even a whole paragraph.

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September 29, 2016

Intelligent Content Suggestion Bot


Make use of your internal communications to generate content ideas.


Have a bot monitor your internal communications on Slack and similar systems, or even email. When the bot discovers something that seems to be important it will search the internet for information on it, how popular is the subject already, is there other favorite content on the topic and much more. Using all the internal and external information, it will give a detailed suggestion on what content should be created and also all the background researched for it.

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September 22, 2016

A PDF Reader App for Marketers


You as a marketer would like to know more about the consumption of your product.


A PDF reader app that the client gets for free with the PDF file you send them or they download. They can, of course, open the PDF file in any other app, but you incentive them to use your app by promising them real time up to date data, surprises, etc. The app has two primary functions:
1. Report to you their consumption of the PDF file (how often, how far they read etc.)
2. A real time communication device that adapts to how they interact with the PDF document (where they currently are, what have they already read, etc.)

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September 14, 2016