Tag Archives forConnection

Find Business Connections by Playing Games


A fun way to find potential business connections.


An online game club for business people. You play with others and communicate during the games. After a while, you’ll find that some players you like more than others, because of the way they play the game and communicate. It will give you a different view on their characters and help you decide who to connect with in business.

Icons made by Freepik


December 13, 2016

Test Your Wifi Connection for Limitations


Your device seems to be connected to a wifi network, but something is wrong, and now you need to check everything to see what works: your browser, emails, news app, etc.


Have a small app that checks all your typical Internet use cases and shows you what is working and what not.

Icons made by Freepik


October 13, 2016

Get the Main Logical Points of an Article and Visually See Their Connections and Build Up


You read an article online and by the and you have an idea of what it was trying to say. But of you look at it again, all the main points and maybe also the logical sequences are buried inside a lot of text that at this time – after you understand it – is just in the way of seeing all the main points and their connections.


A browser extension that allows you to select and highlight multiple sections in the article (text and graphics), and then rearrange them on a layer “above” the article in a way that visually demonstrates the connections and logical build up of the main idea or ideas expressed in the article. You can then save this as a new web page to any cloud solution you use (like Evernote, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.), share it, print it, etc.

Icons made by Freepik


October 11, 2016

Where Do Your Interests Lie in the World Wide Web


Firstly see how your interests are connected to each other and how they relate to the vast interest cloud that exists on the world wide web. Secondly, get hints as to what other subject matter are closely related to your interests.


Map the world wide web based on subjects. See clusters of information out there and how they are connected. Than see your own interest map emphasized on the whole map. This will also show you other interests that are bordering your map of interests.

Icons made by Freepik


September 11, 2016