There is an abundance of valuable knowledge and information out there. The trouble is knowing where the good stuff is.
Publish courses made entirely out of other people’s content. Each course will have a read/listen/watch list with links to all the best content on the subject, arranged in the right order so you can go step by step until you finish the course and acquire the knowledge you wanted.
It’s is hard to get people to buy and read your book – you need to convince them it’s worth their money and time.
Content marketing is excellent at distributing your presence and creating entrance points for potential buyers. Use the same techniques to get people excited and buy your book. Use a combination of parts of the book and new content to establish many points where buyers will meet your book and enter the funnel. Then use all the other content that you already created (again, parts of the book and new content) to automatically feed the new potential buyer and lure them closer and closer to buying it. You can use whole chapters from the book if they can stand on their own as interesting and useful, or create a special version that can do that. This process can start (it’s better this way) before the book is published.
You don’t have the time or the skill to do that but would like to start right away and generate traffic to your blog articles.
Create posts for each of the major subjects you are planning the blog to cover. For each of these posts in your blog’s subjects, find the best content about it, write a synopsis and link to (or embed) it. You publish the post (and maybe generate some initial traffic) and watch for visitors behavior. When you see many clicks on a particular content you linked out to, you contact the creator of that content and offer to pay him to take that content, update it and make it even better – exclusively for you. You then publish the new better one on your blog (at the same URL) in place of the synopsis and link to the original outbound content.
You need to over-deliver in your communication with your audience and also build your brand on a daily basis.
You give us your audience(s) profile (demographics and psychographics), and we will discover for you daily (or weekly) up to date content you can share with your audience. This is content they will love and expand their view of you and your brand. It will also help you segment your audience better because each piece of content is an indication of a different interest.
Make use of your internal communications to generate content ideas.
Have a bot monitor your internal communications on Slack and similar systems, or even email. When the bot discovers something that seems to be important it will search the internet for information on it, how popular is the subject already, is there other favorite content on the topic and much more. Using all the internal and external information, it will give a detailed suggestion on what content should be created and also all the background researched for it.