Tag Archives forContext

Calendar With Smart Reminders


Context based reminders make your life easier.


A calendar app that can recognize different types of entries, like travel, vacation, flights. When the app recognizes a certain context – let’s say flying to London for a week – it suggests helpful alerts like checking in a couple of days before the flight, making arrangements for travel insurance, etc.

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October 31, 2016

Pick a Time Period and See How It Was Back Then


To see how it was and get some insight as to what changed and what didn’t.


A website or app. Put your everyday life in the context of a different period. Select a time and the type of person and get to read, see and hear what his daily life was like.

Icons made by Freepik


October 13, 2016

Context Sensitive Floating Ad


To better target ad messages to what the visitor is seeing or reading.


Have an ad that floats and stays with the visitor as he is scrolling the web page. This floating ad changes based on the text the visitor is currently reading or the graphic or video he is watching. This way each ad and call to action can be very particular to the state of mind of the visitor at any given time.

Icons made by Freepik


September 18, 2016

Ask for Help In The Kitchen


Instead of using google and going through many iterations until you find out how to ask the right question in order to get the results you need.


A central site for the kitchen context. Just type in your question in plain English, and get the right answers (from the site’s own content or other content out there.) It should be easier than a general search because we know the context of the question.

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August 31, 2016

Task Alert With Goal Reminder


When you get an alert for a task you need to do, its very easy to dismiss it because you “don’t feel like it” at that point in time (you have more urgent things to do, like arranging the icons on your iPhone.) It’s easy because the context of the task is lost. You forget the “big why” – why do you need to do this!


If you write the reminder in a way that would give you the context of why you want to do this, it might help you execute on it and not reschedule. Don’t write as a “floating” task: “write a new blog post about time management for kids”, instead try: “write a new post about kids time management because I need to win over the parents target market”.

Icons made by Freepik


August 30, 2016