Tag Archives forCountry

Problem While in a Foreign Country?


You don’t know what to do, who to call.


An app that based on your location and problem gives you the best practices, what to avoid and pay attention to, and who to call for help in your particular situation.

Icons made by Freepik


December 25, 2016

Successful Business Models Around the World


Each country has its own unique and successful business models. What about exporting these models to other countries?


A website and community dedicated to finding, recording and analyzing particular business models from around the world, that are unique to that country. Why only there? Can it be imported to another country? What makes it work? Etc.

Icons made by Freepik


December 3, 2016

If the Elections Were Held In…


Find out how people in other countries would have voted.


Conduct a simulated online voting for political candidates but in other countries.

Icons made by Freepik


November 1, 2016

The Best Thing to Eat in Each City and Country


Make sure that when you visit a city or country, you don’t miss on these.


A website dedicated to the best dishes in each city and country. Where to eat them, and even how to make them at home.

Icons made by Freepik


October 30, 2016

Photography and Geography


Show very similar photographs taken in very different cultures across the world.


Let people search for existing photos already on the site and allow them to upload their similar photos if they were taken in a different country or culture.

Icons made by Freepik


August 31, 2016