Tag Archives forCreate

API Based Graphical Marketing Automation Builder


Marketing automation encompasses many functions and service. It would be useful to have a tool to help build funnels.


A graphical interface where you can drag and drop specific functions connected to external services (Facebook, Google, etc.) and have the basic building blocks (tracking pixels, campaigns, etc.) built for you at these services (using their APIs), all based on your design.

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January 20, 2017

Start With the Needs and Wants Then Create the Ideas


Most projects start when someone has an idea he thinks will solve a problem. Then if he’s smart, he’ll try and test this assumption. What if we reverse the model?


An online service where we invite people to come and tell us what they want or need and can’t find (or can’t find anything good or close enough.) When you get many these that are centered around what seems like a unifying problem, do a deeper dive with those people, asking them for more and more insight into what they really need/want, what is their true problem and motivation (emotional as well as functional.) Based on these a more coherent idea can be formulated and then tested more widely. This might help uncover much more such problems and ideas than just starting with a thought.

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January 12, 2017

The Basic Models of Wealth Creation


See that only a few exist and compare them to each other to find the best for you.


A website that explains the basic wealth creation models and shows examples of each, what to watch out for in each, advantages and disadvantages of each, comparison table(s), good books about each, etc.

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December 27, 2016

Get Inspired to Create New Ideas


One of the ways you can create new ideas is just to do it – concentrate on creating a new idea. It would be helpful to get some inspiration when you’re still stuck.


An app that shows you news items and interesting articles not based on personal interests, but on a smart algorithm that pulls from diverse subjects to spark a connection or a new way of looking at something, finding the problem and creating a new idea to solve it.

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December 6, 2016

Want To Create A New Game? Try With The Help Of Others


Many have ideas for a new game but might never develop it.


A site where anyone can write his game idea, how to play, rules, when and how someone wins etc. Let others jump in and make suggestions. When a version is decided upon as ready to play, everyone can play it together and experience how it goes. The more you play the more you can all refine it until there is a mature version that can be released.

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August 26, 2016