Tag Archives forCulture

The Same Foods Around the World


Each culture has its own culinary tradition. Many of the foods that are part of it have counterparts in other cultures.


A website that shows specific foods and dishes throughout different cultures. The differences, similarities, historical connections, etc.

Icons made by Freepik


November 29, 2016

Unknown Home Cooked Food From Around the World


To get to know real local home food, the kinds you won’t find as a tourist.


A website where people can write about the home food of their culture from their experience at home cooking it. The kind of food you’ll not find outside of someone’s home.

Icons made by Freepik


September 24, 2016

Photography and Geography


Show very similar photographs taken in very different cultures across the world.


Let people search for existing photos already on the site and allow them to upload their similar photos if they were taken in a different country or culture.

Icons made by Freepik


August 31, 2016