Tag Archives forDesign

Design Your Own Table Linens


Choose from a huge variety or design your own easily online.


An online app you can use to design your own tablecloth and other table linen. You choose the base material, the print design, size, etc. you can also use an inline design tool or upload your own design. When you finish your table, linen will be printed and sent to you.

Icons made by Freepik


January 16, 2017

Transparent Home Appliances


A different beautiful design.


Make the visible part of the appliance as transparent as possible: the whole front of the washing machine, microwave oven, the whole kettle, etc.

Icons made by Freepik


November 14, 2016

Design Studio Based on Calligraphy


A different approach to design.


A design studio that concentrates on creating different products with calligraphy as the main motif (home decor, beddings, office tools, etc.)

Icons made by Freepik


November 1, 2016

See the Web in a Consistent Way


Sometimes it’s useful to see information in an individual structure and way, regardless of the design.


A viewer that renders any web page in a standard view you choose for them all. For instance, the menus will work the same and be in the same place regardless of the design of a given web page. This will let you concentrate on the important thing: the data.

Icons made by Freepik


October 13, 2016

Simple? Guess What It is!


A fun game to discover interesting designs and artifacts.


Publish a daily photo or video of seemingly simple objects and let people guess (not public until the end of the day) what they are. At the end of the day, the people who guessed right are listed in chronological order. The first 30% of these get points. The leaderboard of best guesses is updated daily.

Icons made by Freepik


September 28, 2016