Tag Archives forDigest

How to Digest and Automate the Principles That Are Important to You


There are many short sentences that you think are true and important, and you would like to digest them so that you can automate their use in everyday life.


Set the passcode to your iPhone or computer to be that short sentence, and change it to the next one when you seem to have ingested it deep enough. It would also be good if you could give more than one passcode to the device and try and use a different one each time. The security system would only let you use one of them each time, and it has to be a different one than the one you used last time.

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November 16, 2016

Hand Filtered and Edited Daily Alerts


Alerts are an excellent tool to keep yourself informed on your market, and there are a few good services already, some even free like Google alerts. They are, however, inaccurate at best, and time-consuming at worst.


Have your automatic alerts be curated by a personal assistance service. You have a session with your account assistant where you explain exactly what you are looking for in those alerts, and what should bot reach you. From that point on all your alerts will be filtered and edited by your assistant(s). You will get a daily (or even hourly) digest of all the alerts you need. You can even ask for them to synopsize long articles to help you get to the meat of things.

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October 5, 2016

My Friends’ Daily Photos


You already have many friends online taking pictures and sharing them on multiple platforms. Getting a daily digest of them all would be good.


A service that connects to your friends’ photo feeds on all the platforms they share on, collects all the previous day’s photos, intelligently arranges them while also eliminating duplicates (and keeping the ones on the major platform they use), and presenting them as a digest. You can respond the each one you want, and it will be pushed to the right platform where they originated.

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October 4, 2016