Tag Archives forDiscover

Lyrics Based Music Recommendations


Discover new songs you might like.


Software that has a huge lyrics database and suggests new song based on the lyrics of the songs you like.

Icons made by Freepik


October 20, 2016

Local Weekly Artist Profile


Help you find new interesting artists in your own city.


Local volunteer editors search and pick one artist to be profiled every week. During this week, people can communicate with the artist on the site. He may also offer special deals for his art during the week. You can sign up for alerts in you city or multiple cities if you wish.

Icons made by Freepik


September 3, 2016

Wouldn’t You Be Happy Learning…


We could always find new interesting people to learn from. New authors, experts etc.


Share what you have learned from someone else, someone public and accessible  who you think others might find beneficial if they discover. Write a short post about what you have learned from them and some links to their online presence.

Icons made by Freepik


August 26, 2016