Tag Archives forDiscovery

Map of Scientific Discoveries


To get a picture of what each country is producing in science discoveries.


Overlay aggregate science discoveries data on a map to get a picture of which country is leading and in what areas. Also, add a dial for the time frame to see how things developed over time.

Icons made by Freepik


September 29, 2016

Brand Building Discovery Service for Marketers


You need to over-deliver in your communication with your audience and also build your brand on a daily basis.


You give us your audience(s) profile (demographics and psychographics), and we will discover for you daily (or weekly) up to date content you can share with your audience. This is content they will love and expand their view of you and your brand. It will also help you segment your audience better because each piece of content is an indication of a different interest.

Icons made by Freepik


September 25, 2016