Tag Archives forDonation

Win a Meeting With Your Hero and Help His Favorite Charity Even if Your Not Rich


From time to time, there is an auction for a meeting or talk with a pubic figure. The problem with this auction model is, that only people with money can contribute and only they can win the auction.


Instead of one person donating a large sum, have people donate smaller amounts (or larger ones if they want), and instead of an auction, have a raffle and a winner. Each person donating has the same chance, and you get all of the donations for the charity.

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September 10, 2016

See Live Video “Your” Animal at the Zoo


The patron (donor ) can see what is going on with the animal they “adopted” at the zoo at any given time. The zoo gets more donors.


A central online video channels to all zoo animals. The patron gets to see the animals they adopted using the web or an app.

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August 26, 2016