Tag Archives forDynamic

Dynamic Pictures for Testimonials


Emphasize testimonials might lead to higher conversion rate.


Use a big picture of the person giving the testimonial that changes after a short time (3–5 seconds after it becomes visible on the viewer’s screen) to the actual testimonial (text or video that plays silently.)

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January 20, 2017

Web Alert for Email Waiting


You sent an email to your subscriber (as part of an automated sequence), and he still didn’t open it. Get him to open it next time he’s active online.


Show him a reminder with a teaser about what’s in the email you sent him. Either use a dynamic retargeting ad on the web or even a dynamic pop-up on your site.

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November 18, 2016

Customize Your Testimonials for Each Visitor


Instead of showing each visitor the same testimonials, make them load dynamically based on the visitor himself.


The more you know about the visitor, the better you can show him the right testimonial. Even if you don’t know much, you can simply ask him what’s his main objection in a pop-up window listing the major ones. He just has to click on the one mostly on his mind. Based on the information you can dynamically load the testimonials in which your customer is telling their story and answering that exact objection the visitor has.

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October 9, 2016

Context Sensitive Floating Ad


To better target ad messages to what the visitor is seeing or reading.


Have an ad that floats and stays with the visitor as he is scrolling the web page. This floating ad changes based on the text the visitor is currently reading or the graphic or video he is watching. This way each ad and call to action can be very particular to the state of mind of the visitor at any given time.

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September 18, 2016

Match Your Website to Your Target Audience


You probably have more than one profile (avatar) as your target audience. Using some principles of influence like authority and similarity can help project the right image for a particular visitor.


Have different looks for your website, each projecting what you want to the current visitor. For instance, projecting authority to a corporate visitor might include a photo of you in a smart high-end suit giving a talk to a large corporate audience. At the same time for someone who has a small business they run from home, a more “rich guy” casual photo of you might project more authority to him. The technical solutions for doing this by keeping track of where the visitor came from, what ad or article did they read before they clicked and came to your site, etc., are already available, as well as dynamically modifying the look of your website. You should have a default look for your site, for those visitors who you don’t know enough about.

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August 28, 2016