A different kind of journal for your daily emotional state.
A journal where each day of the year has a page. Each page has a list of emotional states and space to take some notes. Each day you mark one or more of the emotions that signify the day that passed, and write a few notes on these emotions, what caused them, what can be learned, etc.
If we know the best emotional state for a specific conversation goal, we can try and induce it in the visitor.
Ask the visitor to choose his emotional state when displaying the web page. Collect the data with the conversion data and see if a pattern emerges. Use the results to help the visitor be in the right emotional state to enhance conversion.
The two key questions of introspection are:
What do I feel?
Why do I feel it?
~ Ayn Rand
When you feel a strong (probably disturbing) emotion, open the app on your smartphone and answer these two questions presented to you. The app will store the time and your answers so you can always look back to learn more about yourself.
Before going to sleep check up on how you did today. Was it a happy day or were you drowned in negative emotions?
An app you can quickly use to record an emotion when you feel it. Just click on the right button.
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