Tag Archives forFamily

Family Synchronized Shopping List


Avoid both buying the same items twice or not at all because of you either both went shopping (maybe even also one of the kids) or none of you did because you all thought the other one did.


A smartphone app that everyone in the family who does shopping for everyday items installs. There is one shopping list with two views – a shared one with all the items, and your list of the items you chose to do the shopping for. Each person can add a new item to the shopping list, or mark an item in one of two ways:
1. I am going to buy this today
2. Purchased
So if you know that on your way home from work you are going to pick up milk and eggs, you mark them as “I’ll get this,” so others can see that it’s been taken care of and not plan on buying it too. When you bought the item, you mark it as “purchased.” You can also purchase an item someone else is going to if it’s not purchased yet, by “stealing it from them” and marking it as “I’ll get it.” In that case, the other person already planning on buying it will get an alert.

Icons made by Freepik


December 26, 2016

What Did I Cook for Them Last Time?


Sounds familiar? You have friends or family for dinner, and you don’t want to repeat yourself and give them the same food.


An app that lets you take a photo of what you cooked, input who was at dinner and maybe add some notes. Anytime in the future just search for the person or persons coming to the dinner and see what you cooked for them previously.

Icons made by Freepik


October 14, 2016

How to Help Someone With …


You have a friend going through a bad period or experience (health, emotional, financial, etc.) How can you help them?


A website, app or even a book, with helping guides for many situations you might find yourself in with your friends and family.

Icons made by Freepik


October 9, 2016

An Online Book of Family Lore


To collect for the enjoyment of present and future family members all the good stories of your family.


Have an online platform where you can create a private “book” of family lore, and invite family members to contribute continuously. Each one can help edit with their memory of what happened, so each story can have multiple versions.

Icons made by Freepik


September 15, 2016

“Angry Time” Family App


For that problematic moment when you are angry at each other.


Every member of the family has the app installed on their smartphone. When one of you feels that “that” moment has arrived, and there is no point (or they just don’t want) in continuing the argument, they press the button. Everybody’s phone beeps and from now on its “waiting and letting go” time. This continues until all have pressed the “I’m ok now” button (or an agreed upon time has been reached – the length of which was decided when you all installed the app). When all have pressed the button, only then all will get the “all clear” alert.

Icons made by Freepik


September 7, 2016