For the sci-fi lovers.
A website (and book) dedicated to recipes and techniques for cooking the food from popular science fiction books, movies, and TV shows.
Exciting and adventurous inspiration.
A website, featuring people who have strange eating habits, from eating lemons as a fruit, to strange recipes and animals eaten by some.
Interesting presentation of both subjects.
A series of books, each combining a philosophy with recipes that represent or relate to the concepts of that philosophy.
You’re busy but would like your kids to have quality cooked food when they come home from school.
A service that delivers cooked food specifically cooked with kids in mind: things they love and are also healthy and high quality. You can choose 2–3 dishes that would last the whole week, from a large variety, and get it delivered to your door. You only have to heat it.
Each culture has its own culinary tradition. Many of the foods that are part of it have counterparts in other cultures.
A website that shows specific foods and dishes throughout different cultures. The differences, similarities, historical connections, etc.