Tag Archives forFriends

How Many Steps Did You Walk Today – a Friendly Competition App


It’s healthy, energizing, and altogether good for you to walk.


An app where you can invite others to a friendly completion of who takes the most steps daily. The app will use the smartphone’s data about steps you walked and transmit the data to the central server. The server will determine which of you walked the most steps and notify all participants about who won for that day. You can also check your game’s leaderboard during the day.

Icons made by Freepik


October 16, 2016

Accountability Game


It will make doing your tasks more fun and help you actually do them.


A website and app that lets you write a goal and a list of tasks (recurring and one time), and invite your friends to hold you accountable. You use this as you would any other task list, with the only difference that they’ll see what happens. To make your friends’ lives easier, the system will message them (email, Facebook, etc.) each day on your progress – what you should have done and did or didn’t. This way they don’t have to do anything proactively, and you know that they know what you did today. They can then – with a simple click – congratulate you on a successful day or send you encouragements for the next day.

Icons made by Freepik


September 24, 2016

Facebook App for Centralizing Rating of Experiences


You see from time to time a remark or suggestion made by a friend on Facebook about a movie they saw or an exhibition they visited. Wouldn’t it be good to have a place where you can see all your friends opinions and ratings of experiences they had?


A Facebook app that lets anyone rate an experience and aggregates all that are in your network. This way you can look up a movie and see who had what opinion and what is the majority trend.

Icons made by Freepik


September 15, 2016

Help Find the Right Movie for You and Your Friends to Watch


You want to go to a movie together with a few friends, but it’s hard to find a movie that is acceptable to all.


An app the each one “trains” to know his own taste in movies. When you want to go watch a movie with friends who also have the app, you start the process on your smartphone by selecting a date and time frame, in specifying who are the friends who you would like to go with. The app then communicates with all the other app instances on your friend’s phones and optimizes the current offering to all of your tastes. Everyone will see a list of movies that should be ok with all of you and just clicks on the one they most want. The most voted movie “wins”.

Icons made by Freepik


September 6, 2016

The Status Game: Where Do You Stand?


To find out and validate what your status really is.


Choose from a status scale (poor to rich, illiterate to polyhistor, pleb to king etc.), where you place yourself on it, and invite your friends to anonymously affirm your place in the hierarchy or place you somewhere else on the scale.

Icons made by Freepik


August 27, 2016