Tag Archives forGallery

Art as a Service


Works of art can cost a lot. Tou still need and want art in your life, how can you get the pleasure without the prohibitive cost?
For artists and galleries, it’s a predictable income source, with the added option of gaining a repeat buyer.


Rent the work of art you like. Directly from the artist, gallery, or even a unique marketplace. If you fall in love with it and want to keep it, just buy it. Many purchasing options could be used, like deducting the money already paid for rent, having a fixed length leasing contract with a buyout option at the end, etc.

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October 5, 2016

Public Voting in Museums


Let the visitors express their viewpoint.


Have a simple mechanism for visitors to vote for the art they like or dislike. It can be as simple as a button on the wall beside the art, or even a smartphone app.

Icons made by Freepik


September 8, 2016