Better customer and more income.
Insert a hand written note or card into each product in your store. The card should thank them for their purchase, reinforce in them that they made the right choice (by buying at your store and that particular product), and offer them a one time offer (expiring within a short period of time – they should bring the receipt as a “proof of time of purchase”.) For each product or product category, you should have a few different versions of the card. For products that have a packaging that does not allow such a card to be inserted, insert it into the bag while bagging their purchase. Handwritten, thank you, reinforcing and offering card.
Have the benefits of handwriting and the convenient of having all your index cards online.
An app that is made out of index cards you fill. The app recognizes your handwriting and converts it to text. You can choose to display your original hand written version or the converted text. You can also categorize each index card, view them on a virtual board in different magnifications, mix them, move them around, share them and print them.