Tag Archives forHealth

Series Analyzing Health Subjects


From time to time, there is a new health subject in the news. Sometimes in a positive way, sometimes in a negative one. It would be good to have a round-up on each of these topics.


Publish a series of articles or booklets. Each will deal with a health subject like cholesterol, running, walking, sugars, fiber, etc. Each will sum up all the pros and cons, their scientific sources, etc.

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November 14, 2016

How Many Steps Did You Walk Today – a Friendly Competition App


It’s healthy, energizing, and altogether good for you to walk.


An app where you can invite others to a friendly completion of who takes the most steps daily. The app will use the smartphone’s data about steps you walked and transmit the data to the central server. The server will determine which of you walked the most steps and notify all participants about who won for that day. You can also check your game’s leaderboard during the day.

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October 16, 2016

How to Help Someone With …


You have a friend going through a bad period or experience (health, emotional, financial, etc.) How can you help them?


A website, app or even a book, with helping guides for many situations you might find yourself in with your friends and family.

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October 9, 2016

Get One Simple and Easy Tip a Day for Better, Happier and Healthier Living


There are many things you can do that are good for you, but you still don’t do them, because they are complicated, take long, are hard to do, etc., or you don’t know about them.


Get a daily tip; that is easy and straightforward to do. You don’t have to do them all, or even many of them. Because you get one every day, you can pick and choose one to try (each one is simple and easy) from time to time, and after a while, some will become a habit.

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October 6, 2016

Track Your Carbohydrates


It looks like the research in the past ten to twenty years has shown that carbohydrates are the main culprit in many health problems.


An app that lets you input the food you eat by searching, selecting from a list or taking a picture and letting the app recognize the food. The app keeps track of the food, and it’s carbohydrate content (and as a bonus also of other nutrients needed) and tells you how much you consumed so far today. This way you can control your intake much better.

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October 6, 2016