Many times ideas in one field are unknown in another and might be useful.
A book about ideas that came from one field and got adopted in another to great success.
Let app developers know what you want.
A place where you can write an idea you had for an app that you would use. You can also vote up other people’s app ideas.
If you want to write and you’re not sure if it’s in you to do it, get a help.
Submit one of your writings, and a some of our experienced writers will tell you. This is mainly not about grammar, but more about do you have something to say, an original spark, a way with thought and ideas.
Your ideas are no good if no one acts on them. If you already came up with an idea, put it out there and let them know about it.
Think and research: who might be profiting from this? Who might be interested in this for any other reason? Let them know about it!