Tag Archives forLanguage

The Multilingual Dictionary of Idioms


Find out the equivalent in other languages of your favorite idioms.


An online dictionary of idioms where you can search for or browse different ones and see their equivalent in other languages (and details of the subtle differences in meaning.)

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December 7, 2016

An SQL Based Query Language With a Higher Level Abstraction That Is Specific to Marketers


For the more technical marketers to easily and flexibility query the database.


Abstract such concepts demographic and psychographic data, history, statistical data, grouping, channels, funnels, conversion, etc., that are useful for marketers. Use these to create a higher level language for quickly and easily build complex queries in the realm of marketing.

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October 23, 2016

Find This Book in Your Language of Choice


You see a book that looks interesting, but you would like to read it in your mother tongue.


An app where you can scan the book’s barcode or take a photo of the cover, and you’ll get a list of all editions in all languages published and available. The app can also show you where you can get the version you are looking for online or offline where you are currently.

Icons made by Freepik


September 19, 2016

Let Your Smartphone Help You Be More Positive


Using positive words helps your brain develop, while negative words increase your stress hormone (according to some research.)


An app running on your smartphone that listens to you and analyzes the words you use. When your use of negative words goes above a certain threshold you set, the app will alert you.

Icons made by Freepik


September 17, 2016