Promote art and make it fun to consume it.
A website and app that invites people to join a global game of who is the biggest art consumer, who sees the most exhibitions, etc. Have leaderboards in many major and minor categories, like geographic (country, state, city), topical (paintings, sculptures), movements (impressionists, fauvists), etc.
A fun game to discover interesting designs and artifacts.
Publish a daily photo or video of seemingly simple objects and let people guess (not public until the end of the day) what they are. At the end of the day, the people who guessed right are listed in chronological order. The first 30% of these get points. The leaderboard of best guesses is updated daily.
Many headlines templates are known to work well. It would be useful to learn from time to time which ones are the best.
Periodically, test the top headline formulas in different fields (health, money, self-help, golf, fitness, etc.) and publish a leaderboard of what works best for each field.
If these potential advertisers see that you have many fans that also like their brand, they might advertise with you. Good for you and your fans.
Have a constant voting section on your website where your fans can vote for any of the brands you list there, and also suggest a new brand to include in the list.