Tag Archives forLearn

Find Out What Is the Best Way For You To Learn


If you learn in a way that is most suited to you, it will be faster, and you will learn better.


A website where you answer a detailed questionnaire and based on that you will receive specific advice on what are the best methods and modalities for you to learn new things.

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October 8, 2016

Inspire by Sharing Your Learning Experience


When you start learning something new, it takes some time to “get the knack” of how to do it. It is frustrating and can stop many from continuing.


Have a place where people can share their learning experience. They can film a series of short movies showing themselves while learning, trying, failing and slowly succeeding (and also giving tips along the way on what worked for them), then upload them so others can see the development from phase to phase. It will demonstrate that things can take time, and it’s worth persevering and inspire others to do the same.

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October 8, 2016

Infographics That Help Tou Learn Something New


Infographics are fun and exciting, but they can also be a valuable teaching tool.


A website dedicated solely to infographics that teach you something. Allow anyone to publish these, and readers to subscribe to a daily dose of new ones in one or more areas of interest.

Icons made by Freepik


September 28, 2016

Teach Yourself Memory Techniques


Have multiple memory tools at your disposal, and learn them easily at your own pace.


An app that teaches and trains you in multiple memory techniques, for different tasks and situations.

Icons made by Freepik


September 25, 2016