Tag Archives forLife

A Day in the Life Of …


Aren’t you interested in what famous, rich and successful people’s typical day looks like?


Have a video series where each episode is dedicated to such a person, and show their days.

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September 10, 2016

How to Augment Reality With the Right Music


Ever wondered what it would feel like if you could have just the right “soundtrack” playing for you in real life?


Have your smartphone or computer observe you. What are you doing right now? Where are you and what are the background sounds? Based on these observations and on learning from experience, the software will suggest playing an appropriate soundtrack for the current scene in your real life. Just like in the movies.

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September 3, 2016

Life Imitating Fantasy


Wouldn’t you like to read about real life stories that are basically a fairytale, but that really happened?


A website dedicated to people bringing you real life stories that are the very similar to the most famous legends and tales.

Icons made by Freepik


August 27, 2016