Tag Archives forListen

If You Want to Know This Read These


There is an abundance of valuable knowledge and information out there. The trouble is knowing where the good stuff is.


Publish courses made entirely out of other people’s content. Each course will have a read/listen/watch list with links to all the best content on the subject, arranged in the right order so you can go step by step until you finish the course and acquire the knowledge you wanted.

Icons made by Freepik


October 18, 2016

Let Your Smartphone Help You Be More Positive


Using positive words helps your brain develop, while negative words increase your stress hormone (according to some research.)


An app running on your smartphone that listens to you and analyzes the words you use. When your use of negative words goes above a certain threshold you set, the app will alert you.

Icons made by Freepik


September 17, 2016