Tag Archives forLive

Immediate On-Demand Writers


You need to write an important email. You know what you want to express, but it’s complicated and nuanced and multifaceted. Wouldn’t it be convenient if like in old times when many didn’t even know how to read and write, you could have someone do that for you cheaply and quickly?


On online service where you can get such a writer online immediately, talk with them to explain what you want expressed, facts, subtleties, feelings, etc., and have them write it for you and with you live online. No waiting, and fast results.

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October 15, 2016

Live Interactive Testimonials


If successful it will engender a much higher trust.


If you have raving fans and customers that you can trust, ask them if they are willing to receive email communications from your new potential clients. For those who do, put their email address as a caption under their picture in the testimonial, like this: “Want more information from me about XYZ? Feel free to ask me at email@domain.com”.

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October 9, 2016

Get the Live Performance Feeling in Your Music Library


When you buy music and listen to it, again and again, you will always hear the same one, without any variation. Live music at concerts is always a little different from the recorded version and also from live performance to live performance.


Have different versions recorded for each piece of music (in studio, live performances, both.) When you buy the music (for download or streaming) you get access to all the versions. You can choose which version to listen to at any given time, or let the software decide randomly or based on your previous behavior. A new digital format can also be created where you can break down the elements of the music so that the performer can record alternative elements for individual parts and they can be dynamically exchanged or added when you play the music.

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September 29, 2016

Live Betting Screen at Live Sport Events


It would be very exciting and in real time.


Dedicate one or more screens in the stadium of sports events to live betting throughout the game, showing all the real-time betting data as it changes.

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September 22, 2016

Email Marketing Live Testing Service


So you can test your email variations (subject lines, CTAs, etc.) on real people with similar demographics that are not on your list.


Aggregate people who are willing to receive test emails from a wide variety of demographics. The marketer can select a group from these people based on demographics and psychographics and do an A/B or multi-variant test of his emails to this group.

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September 17, 2016