Have one shop that satisfies all your regular local shopping needs.
The shop would receive input from the neighborhood shoppers regarding what types of products (and the brands) they regularly buy and keep these in stock. These can range from groceries to clothes and toiletries. This will mean that the shop does not stock merchandise people don’t want, and people can do all their regular shopping in one local place. This will also reduce costs so pricing should be competitive.
You built a local business and now would like to sell it (retire, do something else, etc.)
A service that sits with the seller to determine potential buyers and valuation. When valuation is agreed upon the service has exclusivity for a period. It then offers the business to its expanding buyer network. The service can sell at a higher price and keep the difference, or go the commission way.
To get to know real local home food, the kinds you won’t find as a tourist.
A website where people can write about the home food of their culture from their experience at home cooking it. The kind of food you’ll not find outside of someone’s home.
It’s difficult nowadays if you are a smoker, especially if you smoke cigars or a pipe.
Create a smoker’s club in your neighborhood. Have fix dates when you can meet (each time at someone else’s place, or rent a local place for the night), smoke, talk and enjoy you smoking hobby.
Help you find new interesting artists in your own city.
Local volunteer editors search and pick one artist to be profiled every week. During this week, people can communicate with the artist on the site. He may also offer special deals for his art during the week. You can sign up for alerts in you city or multiple cities if you wish.