Tag Archives forMeeting

Help Your Meetings Be Effective


Too many meeting, taking too much time with little to show for.


An app used by all team members. The team leader designates one member who will lead the meeting and another who will be the supervisor. The leader will set the agenda, the maximum time for each item, and the maximum length of the meeting. Others can comment and suggest changes, but when all is decided the meeting leader will follow the agenda and the supervisor will keep everyone to the time limits. If an item is not finished within its given time, it can be continued – if there is still time – at the end of the meeting. If not a new meeting is set and the process starts again.

Icons made by Freepik


October 9, 2016

The Complete Guide to Reducing No-Shows and Preventing Losses


No-shows are bad in many ways. Emotional (disappointment, anger, resentment, etc.), behavioral (what shall I do now), and of course financial.


A book that explains all the proven strategies and tactics you can use to reduce no-shows. All the theory and psychology at work, and give practical advice with examples for many different situations (dentist, restaurant, etc.)

Icons made by Freepik


September 16, 2016