Tag Archives forMicro

Micro Drone Swarms as a Weapon


Automated and cheap.


Used many micro drones all connected to each other wirelessly with the central “brain” controlling them and use to dispatch small but effective explosives all at once, directed at specific targets.

Icons made by Freepik


December 29, 2016

How to Launch a New Product With a Storm of Micro Communication Bits


Get better attention without asking too much from the subscriber.


Break launch email sequence into many small email messages, one or two sentences each (and maybe an image.) Each should do three things: 1. Be very short and easy to consume. 2. Make sense and build your case for your product (tell a story, give useful information and tips, etc.) 3. Have a cliffhanger, so the subscriber will anticipate the next one.

Icons made by Freepik


October 27, 2016