Tag Archives forMicropayment

Pay by Number of Pages Read


You receive value from consumption of the book.


Have a mechanism for ebooks where you pay a much smaller fee when buying the book (maybe $3 of the total price of $10 for the book), then only micro-pay for pages you actually read in that book up to the whole price of the book.

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December 11, 2016

Pre-Paid Donation Based Content


A different way to monetize your content.


A free content website where you can pay as you like for the content you like to pay for. To make micropayments, you pre-purchase site credits for fixed amounts ($1 for 100 credits, $5 for 600 credits, etc.), and you can spend these on articles you enjoyed by simply filling in the right amount on the content page. Each content page also shows how many credits it has earned from visitors.

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November 23, 2016

Pay to Comment


A revenue stream and to filter who can comment.


Have a mechanism for people to comment online (on a blog post or an article) only if they pay a small amount.

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November 1, 2016

Rate Answers by Users Paying for Them


As a good measurement of what was the right answer.


Allow users to donate how much they want (maybe even less than 1 dollar cent), based on their satisfaction of the result they got in the SERP. This will give a better indication as to what is a really useful answer to a specific query.

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October 30, 2016