Most people are motivated to achieve a particular goal they want. It can be losing weight, getting up early, learning a new skill, or even getting into a habit that they know is good for them but makes them uncomfortable. The problem is most don’t succeed, and I think it’s because they never make the switch in their mind – they never decide “this is me from mow on – I will …”
A study and development of a method(s) to help people make the switch. In my experience from experiments I did myself and from observing others, until someone does not make the switch – by themselves and in their own mind – these changes they want to achieve, the goals they want to reach, mostly do not materialize.
For the user: saving time while getting both your body and mind in shape.
For the gurus: new income and channel to get more new people into their funnel.
Exercise timing app with a short motivational audio and video snippet library (more can be downloaded) with the teachings of famous motivational gurus.
If you want to solve a problem, being more creative can help.
An app that occupies your mind but only to a certain level, so that your “subconscious” can work “in the background” on solving your problem.
There is some research that shows running enhances your brain by creating new stem cells.
Just like estimating calories burnt currently present in most running apps, there could be a function that determines based on your activity and personal data, how much your brain has “gained” from the activity.
Directed meditation has been proven to help and even change the physicality of your brain. This app will help you do it easily and immediately and also keep track of your results.
The app would give you simple instruction from multiple choices of directed meditation techniques. You can choose the one that best suits you and your situation. For example thinking about a confrontation, argument and such, where you felt negative emotions like anger and frustration. In this scenario, you could direct your thought to relive the same situation but as an external viewer – like a fly on the wall. This will help you realize new angles, see connections and insights that you did not before – both about the whole occurrence and about yourself. Before the meditation, the app might ask you a few questions in order to better suggest to you the right technique. Also, you’ll be asked to write a short description of the situation. After the meditation, you’ll write any new feelings, insights and knowledge you think you acquired through the directed meditation.