Tag Archives forMotivational

Preemptive Motivational Reminder by Your Favorite Motivational Guru


During your day you might encounter a situation when you need a bit of encouragement or reminder.


Software that runs in the background of your computer, tablet, and smartphone, and monitors your behavior. When it detects certain signs it will determine by those and by past experiences what would be the best message for you to hear at that time. You will then hear (and also possibly see a video clip of) your favorite motivational speaker delivering that message to you. You can then give feedback if it hit the spot or not so that the software can learn to be more accurate.

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November 26, 2016

The Best Inspirational Videos


It’s hard to find the best inspirational videos on general platforms like YouTube.


Publish the best inspirational videos and categorize them by subject, theme, person, etc. Have an editorial best list(s) and also let viewers vote.

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November 22, 2016

Random Motivational Message at Random Times


So you won’t forget what’s important to you.


An app that allows you to enter a list of motivational messages that are important for you, select the time frames you would like to see them (from 6 AM to 9 PM) and how many times during that period would you like to see them. The app will alert you at random times with a random message from the list. You can adjust up or down the frequency of any of these by clicking on a button in the alert to see more of that message or less.

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November 16, 2016

Get Both Your Body and Mind in Shape


For the user: saving time while getting both your body and mind in shape.
For the gurus: new income and channel to get more new people into their funnel.


Exercise timing app with a short motivational audio and video snippet library (more can be downloaded) with the teachings of famous motivational gurus.

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October 27, 2016