Tag Archives forMultiple

Multiple Passwords for Better Protection


Even if you have a good password for your computer or an online service, it can still be compromised by physical (someone watches you) or technical (key logger) means.


Build a mechanism that allows you to specify two or more passwords for the same account (making sure all of them are good and hard to crack.) Each time you can use any of them except the last one you used. This way if you have been compromised the password thief will still not be able to log in. If you use 3 or more passwords, it will be even safer.

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November 16, 2016

Stackable Electric Plugs


Plug in more devices in a smaller and more efficient space.


Each plug should also be a socket for the next plug. This way you could stack multiple plugs into one wall socket.

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November 14, 2016

Have One Hyperlink in an HTML Page Link to Multiple Targets


Many times you want to link from your web page to an external source or related page, but you have multiple such sources or related pages connected to the same word or phrase.


Optimally this might be built into the needed protocols, but currently, it can be accomplished using JavaScript. When clicking you will get a small popup menu with all the links and their separate anchor texts and you can choose which one to follow. These are actual multiple hypertext tags, just hidden until you click on the visible one. This will enable search engines also to crawl all linked URLs.

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October 12, 2016

My Friends’ Daily Photos


You already have many friends online taking pictures and sharing them on multiple platforms. Getting a daily digest of them all would be good.


A service that connects to your friends’ photo feeds on all the platforms they share on, collects all the previous day’s photos, intelligently arranges them while also eliminating duplicates (and keeping the ones on the major platform they use), and presenting them as a digest. You can respond the each one you want, and it will be pushed to the right platform where they originated.

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October 4, 2016