Tag Archives forMusic

Can You Whistle That Tune?


Many like to whistle familiar tunes.


A website where you can publish an audio or video clip of you whistling familiar tunes. Others can rate them, and the best get shown on the hit list page and promoted.

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September 26, 2016

Music Practice Time Table for Apartment Houses


So tenants can try and be considerate to each other with the times they can practice.


Have an online weekly schedule, where people who practice musical instruments can fill in how many hours they want to practice every week, and all the times they can practice day by day, hour by hour for a typical week. At the same time, other tenants can fill in times they absolutely have to have peace and quiet. This will make it easier to find practice times (if the tenants are considerate, to begin with.)

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September 13, 2016

This Is the Kind of Music I Would Like to Listen to Next


You just finished listening to a piece of music you liked. Now you would like to listen to something new but similar.


It would be good if I could just type a sentence describing the kind of music I would like to hear next. The app knows the last piece of music I listen to and can analyze my sentence and suggest to me the next piece of music I might enjoy.

Icons made by Freepik


September 4, 2016

How to Augment Reality With the Right Music


Ever wondered what it would feel like if you could have just the right “soundtrack” playing for you in real life?


Have your smartphone or computer observe you. What are you doing right now? Where are you and what are the background sounds? Based on these observations and on learning from experience, the software will suggest playing an appropriate soundtrack for the current scene in your real life. Just like in the movies.

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September 3, 2016

How to Stimulate Your Creativity


Whether you need to solve a problem, create a new plan, or create art, boosting your creativity helps.


An app and website that exposes you to creativity inducing stimuli. The right music (happy), sights like flowers and nature and happy faces, pictures of famously creative thinkers, colors like blue, and other positive cues. Just press play and absorb.

Icons made by Freepik


September 2, 2016