Tag Archives forNeighborhood

Pick Up and Deliver Nearby Orders for a Big Discount or Free Products


The merchant can offer free or very cheap delivery, while the customer participating gets large discounts.


Offer customers to help you deliver other packages in their neighborhood for a significant discount. If they participate, they come and pick up their order, plus all the orders in their neighborhood, and deliver them for you.

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January 3, 2017

Neighborhood Best Places


A score card for restaurants and the likes, from the people who matter – neighbors who give their patronage.


A website and app where you can rate restaurants around your neighborhood. This will help new neighbors, people visiting, and the restaurants can use it in their advertising.

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November 8, 2016

Dynamic Neighborhood Shop


Have one shop that satisfies all your regular local shopping needs.


The shop would receive input from the neighborhood shoppers regarding what types of products (and the brands) they regularly buy and keep these in stock. These can range from groceries to clothes and toiletries. This will mean that the shop does not stock merchandise people don’t want, and people can do all their regular shopping in one local place. This will also reduce costs so pricing should be competitive.

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November 4, 2016

Neighborhood Smokers Club


It’s difficult nowadays if you are a smoker, especially if you smoke cigars or a pipe.


Create a smoker’s club in your neighborhood. Have fix dates when you can meet (each time at someone else’s place, or rent a local place for the night), smoke, talk and enjoy you smoking hobby.

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September 21, 2016