Tag Archives forNetwork

Your Real Network at LinkedIn and Other Social Networks


You too, just like me, have first-degree connections you have made or accepted, that are not real friends or even acquaintances. It would be good if each connection could be qualified as “existing” (you true friends and acquaintances), or “potential”. Then we could see the network that is more useful to us.


Either use the social network’s API, or an even better solution would be if the social network provider built this functionality into their system.

Icons made by Freepik


September 9, 2016

Map of Influential Bloggers’ Presence Online


To see visually where these bloggers are publishing their writings and get a birds eye view of their network of influence.


Write a crawler that would scan the internet and map who publishes where. Using this constantly expanding database you could see a map of influence for a specific influencer: where is his main point of influence and what other publications is he using to enhance his footprint and influence.

Icons made by Freepik


September 5, 2016