Tag Archives forNiche

The Niche Report


You want to know what are the new lucrative niches that are out there.


A subscription service, where periodically you will get a report on the new lucrative niches, their numbers (size, competition, etc.), case studies, etc.

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October 26, 2016

Online Consultation to Help You Find Your Niche


You would like an online business but are having trouble finding the right niche for you. Something that you are comfortable with has a large irrationally passionate and, easy to reach audience, the right amount of competition, etc.


A service where you can get an expert to do a live consultation with you, where he will help you find the right niche for you.

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October 26, 2016

Publish Top Curated Content Only in Specific Verticals


To have one reliable source for top content in a particular niche.


Instead of creating original content by in-house writers, have many external excellent creators do it. It might have already been published on the author’s website, another platform, or directly submitted. In any case, a dedicated editor for the particular vertical has (after finding it and contacting the creator) been working with the author for it to be published in the specific vertical’s online publication. The article itself and not a link to it is published. Only chose the top content for each niche.

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September 30, 2016