Tag Archives forNostalgia

I Am Missing… Journal


See if there is something you miss that is still important and can be replaced.


Every day write what are the things you are missing that day. Don’t make an exhaustive list daily, only the things that naturally occur to you during the day.

Icons made by Freepik


October 27, 2016

Nostalgia for Something You Never Had or Experienced? How Can That Be?


You see it all around and probably felt it yourself, a kind of nostalgic yearning for something that – if you really think of it – you never had or experienced (maybe you were not even born then.)


A study of why and how people develop these feelings. Do we have a bias in us for such a feeling, and what triggers might induce this feeling? What is the mechanism behind it?

Icons made by Freepik


October 11, 2016

Share Your Analog Past With Your Friends


Just because the old pictures you find are prints and are not available digitally, doesn’t mean you can’t share them immediately with your friends.


Simply take a picture of the printed picture and share with your friends on Facebook, or send by email. The objective is sharing and reminiscing, not the quality of the image. An app could also be created specifically for nostalgia picture between friends, but it might be redundant.

Icons made by Freepik


October 10, 2016