Tag Archives forNotebook

Notebooks, Pens and Techniques


For people who love writing journals.


A shop that offers only quality (but not only expensive) notebooks, pens and books and essays about writing.

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January 8, 2017

Notebooks, Journals, Etc.


Find out how others do it and get help and inspiration.


A website dedicated to tips, tutorial and personal stories on keeping journals and notebooks.

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November 3, 2016

Shrinking Notebooks – Keep All Your Writing and Save Space at the Same Time


If you regularly write your thoughts, a journal, etc., you know that after a while it takes a lot of space to store these notebooks.


Make the notebook’s “paper” from a material you can write on. When you finish the journal, you process it (by heating, chemically, etc.), and it will shrink considerably in size, while still leaving your writings legible.

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October 14, 2016

What Have I Learned Today?


By consciously thinking once a day about one important thing you have learned that day you’ll: fix it into your long term memory; motivate yourself to learn something new every day.


Keep a notebook and get into the habit – just before you go to bed – of thinking about what you have learned that day. Write it in your notebook. Keep the notebook beside your bed to have a visual cue to help you remember and turn this into a habit. After a year look back and see how you progressed.

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August 27, 2016