Tag Archives forOpinion

Why Is Your City Special?


It would be interesting to hear from citizens of a city why is it they think it’s so great.


A website where (verified) citizens of a city give their point of view on why the city is so great.

Icons made by Freepik


November 8, 2016

Tell the World What You Really Think About…


Have a place where you can – anonymously and without and registration – tell the world what you really think about a subject.


A website where mutual interest subject are listed and anyone can express their opinion, tell the world what they really think. No registration, and totally anonymous so that you can write your real opinion (within the law.)

Icons made by Freepik


October 30, 2016

Facebook App for Centralizing Rating of Experiences


You see from time to time a remark or suggestion made by a friend on Facebook about a movie they saw or an exhibition they visited. Wouldn’t it be good to have a place where you can see all your friends opinions and ratings of experiences they had?


A Facebook app that lets anyone rate an experience and aggregates all that are in your network. This way you can look up a movie and see who had what opinion and what is the majority trend.

Icons made by Freepik


September 15, 2016

What Is Your Favorite Character From a Book and Why


Share and read others’ opinions.


Find the character on the website or suggest him for inclusion. Write your reasons for him being your favorite character. Further, reply to others who also shared their opinions good or bad.

Icons made by Freepik


September 3, 2016