Tag Archives forPage

Change Your Sales Page Based on Their Beliefs and Assumptions


If you know your target audience, you might also know the general list of their beliefs and prior assumptions. It would be useful to learn the exact ones for each visitor.


When a visitor comes to your sales page, immediately show them a pop-up with a list of these beliefs and assumptions, and ask them to choose the ones they identify the most with. Based on their answer you then display slightly different sales page – emphasizing the relevant sections to address these – to each visitor.

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December 6, 2016

Landing Page as a Serial Story


It will force you to write in a way that makes the reader want to read more, and at the same time get the reader used to clicking to get more which might help with the call to action.


Instead of showing the whole landing page at once, you only show the first section and the rest of the section’s sub-headlines. This means that you need to write the first section (and subsequently each one following) in a way that makes the reader want to click on the next section’s sub-header to read what’s coming next in that section. It’s like a serial story or a TV series – you use a cliffhanger. You might also want to have a simple call to action at the end of the first section explaining what to do next.

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December 4, 2016

See the Web in a Consistent Way


Sometimes it’s useful to see information in an individual structure and way, regardless of the design.


A viewer that renders any web page in a standard view you choose for them all. For instance, the menus will work the same and be in the same place regardless of the design of a given web page. This will let you concentrate on the important thing: the data.

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October 13, 2016

Know How Google Sees Your Page


You visit a content page you invested time and money in creating, and would like to know how is it doing.


A browser extension that connects to your Google Analytics account and gives you indications as to how Google might see this page’s SEO performance. Bounce rate, scroll rate, returning visitors (to the site), click through rate, etc.

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September 19, 2016