Tag Archives forPast

Where Are They Today


Find out what your favorite public figure from the past is doing today.


A website where you can browse and search stories about famous people from the past are doing today.

Icons made by Freepik


January 21, 2017

Share Your Analog Past With Your Friends


Just because the old pictures you find are prints and are not available digitally, doesn’t mean you can’t share them immediately with your friends.


Simply take a picture of the printed picture and share with your friends on Facebook, or send by email. The objective is sharing and reminiscing, not the quality of the image. An app could also be created specifically for nostalgia picture between friends, but it might be redundant.

Icons made by Freepik


October 10, 2016

An Experiment in Marketing Conversion by Getting the Buyer Go Back in the Future


As a marketer trying to sell something, making people think ahead and then back gives them a new perspective that can help you both.


While visiting you website, at some point after they had time and already consumed at least the main points you want to convey about what you are selling, they are already dealing with a decision – to do what you ask them or not, to buy or not – you can ask the following question: “many years from now, when you look back, what would you regret more, saying yes now or saying no?” Measure the conversion rate when using this question and compare to the conversion rate when not using it.

Icons made by Freepik


October 6, 2016

Catalog of All Playing Cards Designs Past and Present


For card lovers, manufacturers, historians, and collectors.


A website cataloging all playing card designs know to man. From the distant past to the latest ones. People can also submit their designs and manufacturers can find new designs among these.

Icons made by Freepik


September 17, 2016

Augmented Reality Memories


We all like to remember happy moments and loved one who are not with us anymore.


An app that you can “feed” with photos of people and happy moments of the past. Then when you point the app’s live cam at the spot where that memory took place (like the sofa), it will augment the live view with the people from that memory in the photo. You can pan left and right, and it will be almost as if you are looking at the live event from the past.

Icons made by Freepik


September 15, 2016