Get income from users that currently don’t pay but want to.
Most freemium models offer you a free version of their SaaS app. This version is usually limited but many times already very useful to many users. First, is the user who we never pay. Then there is the user that needs more functionality and is willing to pay for that. But there is a third kind of user, the one who does not need any extra functionality but is so satisfied with the free version that he would gladly pay for it, even if just to show his appreciation and support. Offer a low-cost payment option for this – the third type of – user.
You want to have an online presence that is anonymous, so you can connect with others, make payments, etc.
Build a law office servicing clients who want to stay anonymous online. Some of the services they can offer are payment services, registration services, etc.
You have enough fixed POS stations in your store for regular business, but sometimes you have special events and the lines become too long, customers are unhappy, and you are losing money because some just walk out or are in a grumpy mood when you offer them some upsells.
Use handheld POS terminals that work wirelessly, and have extra help go to people standing in lines to pay and process the payment for them where they stand quickly.