Tag Archives forPhoto

A New Way to Guarantee Non Attribution and Message Expiration at the Same Time?


It’s obvious by the proliferation of systems to facilitate it (Snapchat, Cyberdust, etc.), that people are interested in having their communication protected by guaranteeing they are not permanent. There are two facets to it: 1. expire the message, and 2. do not have proof of who sent it. It’s good to have both even though one might be enough. The problem is with today’s systems: if you can see the message sent to you, you can record it by using another device like a camera and bypassing all of today’s “safety” mechanisms, and you end up having a record of what was sent and usually also by who.


This is only good for text but might solve the problems above. The sender types in the text. The app converts the text to a sound file of the spoken text. The audio file is sent to the recipient. The recipient can only listen to the message, and it expires after a certain amount of time (even if not listened to.) Although another device can record the spoken text, it is a mechanical sound, and there is no way to identify who sent it. You do see who sent it in the app, but you don’t see the message itself since its a sound. This way you have no way of recording both who sent it and what they sent in one “snapshot,” you only have two separate pieces of information with no way to prove they are connected.

Icons made by Freepik


October 14, 2016

What Do People of a Certain Generation Photograph?


It might be interesting to see if there are any patterns or similarities in subject matter and style of pictures taken by people of similar age, and what these are.


An app that crawls the social networks and gathers pictures of users that have their age available publicly. The app then creates an ever growing wall of pictures segmented by age groups.

Icons made by Freepik


October 13, 2016

Share Your Analog Past With Your Friends


Just because the old pictures you find are prints and are not available digitally, doesn’t mean you can’t share them immediately with your friends.


Simply take a picture of the printed picture and share with your friends on Facebook, or send by email. The objective is sharing and reminiscing, not the quality of the image. An app could also be created specifically for nostalgia picture between friends, but it might be redundant.

Icons made by Freepik


October 10, 2016

Automatically Remove People and Objects From Your Picture’s Background


You are out in a public place like the beach and would like to take a picture of your kids playing. The pictures you take look good, but there are too many distracting objects in the background, mostly people.


A smartphone app that recognizes all objects in the picture lets you click on the ones you want to keep, and eliminates all others while still keeping the picture looking good and realistic.

Icons made by Freepik


October 7, 2016

Your Style Journal


What if you could see how your style (and fashion) changed throughout your life?


Make an album on your smartphone (or have a dedicated app) and take a daily photo of yourself in clothes you wear that day.

Icons made by Freepik


October 6, 2016